John Cooper
![John Cooper](/sites/default/files/uploads/People/johncooper.png)
Nashville Mayor John Cooper announced he will not seek a second term in office. Cooper was elected mayor of Nashville in 2019 and is the ninth mayor to serve over the joint Nashville-Davidson County metro area. Cooper thanked numerous members of the Metro Nashville staff and city employees for their cooperation and efforts toward achieving his mayoral agenda, including the raising of pay for teachers, school, and city employees; the Oracle and Nashville East Bank investments; the adition of affordable housing resources and the creation of the Metro Housing Division; and a project designed to make one-third of the city solar-powered. Prior to his election as mayor, Cooper sreved as an at-large member of the Metro Nashville Council from 2015 to 2019. He has more than 30 years of business and financial experience in retail, banking, and real estate as well as founded The Heritage at Brentwood and Happy ReTales. Cooper holds a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University and a master’s degree in business from Vanderbilt University.