Rosenwald school moves to Franklin historic park

The last remaining Rosenwald School in Williamson County has been moved from its previous location in Spring Hill to the Franklin Grove Estate and Gardens in downtown Franklin. The Heritage Foundation of Williamson County organized the move of the Lee-Buckner School to the property they manage in Franklin with plans to restore, preserve, and transform the former school building in “an accessible and lasting monument to education and Black history.” The new, $35 million Franklin Grove Estate and Gardens broke ground in late 2023 with the goal of preserving historical structures from throughout Williamson County. It took just over two hours to move the school structure, witnessed by both community leaders and former students of the school. The Lee-Buckner School served children in the Rural Hill area of Williamson County from 1927 until it was closed amid desegregation in 1965. It served as a private residence until the 1990s.