Chattanooga creates mental health clinics to help underserved residents

In response to an urgent need for intensive mental health services in Chattanooga, the Office of Community Health (OCH) has created several mental health clinics aimed at providing vital care to underserved communities in Chattanooga. The services are fully-funded through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Minority Health and will be provided at community centers in neighborhoods the Office of Community Health has established as having a disproportionate need. Chattanooga City Council approved MOUs to provide mental health care to individuals who are underinsured, uninsured, or cannot afford a copay. The services will be provided in collaboration with several of the city’s key community partners who are already providing critical services in the community. The goal of the program is to provide more accessible care to the approximately 18,000 residents without insurance coverage who could see the worsening of their mental health without treatment.