Knoxville receives federal grant for pedestrian bridge project

The city of Knoxville has been awarded a $24.7 million Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation to help realize the South Knoxville Pedestrian Bridge. This is the third application the city has made for the bridge project, which was born out of community input and the South Waterfront Vision Plan more than 15 years ago. The city has also received $20 million from the state of Tennessee for the project, which will provide pedestrians greater access to local greenway systems, Suttree Landing Park, the Urban Wilderness, the University of Tennessee, the UT Athletics Entertainment districts, and local neighborhoods. UT and Knoxville’s Community Development Corp. (KCDC) have secured land on the south side of the river for housing and mixed-use projects. The bridge would span the river from Clancy Avenue on the south side to the pedestrian concourse on the north, located between Thompson-Boling Arena and Pratt Pavilion.