A dozen municipalities to receive ARP grants from TDEC

A dozen municipalities are among the recipients of the latest round of TDEC grants from the state’s American Rescue Plan (ARP) fund aimed at improving drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure.
TDEC announced 20 entities would be sharing in $63,888,650 in grant funds, part of the $996 million in executed grant funds TDEC has awarded representing every county and 248 cities since August 2022. This round includes the conclusion of the award phase of the non-competitive grant program.
A dozen cities will share in the 18 non-collaborative grants announced, including Celina, Centerville, Cleveland, Collinwood, Franklin, Greenfield, Kenton, LaGrange, Luttrell, McKenzie, Puryear, and Waynesboro.
Celina will use $2,799,778 in ARP funds to expand its drinking water system to unserved residents. Celina's projects include the installation of 13,650 linear feet of waterlines, as well as the installation of gate valves, flush hydrants, service lines, and meters. Celina will also install a new booster pump station and community storage tank to ensure adequate pressure throughout the proposed extensions to the system.
Centerville will use $4,184,311 in ARP funds to develop an Asset Management Plan and address critical needs. Centerville's projects will modernize, improve, and strengthen water infrastructure through the implementation of an asset management program, repair of leaking infrastructure, modernization of pipeline transport operations, replacement of outdated components, and expansion of service to underserved communities.
Cleveland will use $5,398,162 in ARP funds to develop an Asset Management Plan, and make improvements to the drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater systems. Projects include the replacement of 11,000 linear feet of aging cast iron water lines and the development of a water modeling study, a sanitary sewer inspection project, manhole inspections, GIS mapping, and improvements and upgrades to the existing transportation, utility, and stormwater infrastructure.
Collinwood will use $3,177,237 in ARP funds to address critical needs in the drinking water and wastewater systems. Collinwood's projects include the replacement and improvement of aging pumps, the repair and replacement of three pump stations, and the installation of automated meter reading (AMR) and zone meters to assist in water system regionalization.
Franklin will use $4,679,357 in ARP funds to address wastewater and stormwater critical needs. Projects include upgrades and repairs to the Franklin Water Reclamation Facility to help extend the lifespan of the concrete walls and to modernize aging equipment. Stormwater projects include the removal of the inline retention pond and the utilization of natural stream restoration design components to improve the sediment-carrying capacity of the Ralston Branch stream.
Greenfield will use $1,476,684 in ARP funds to develop an Asset Management Plan and address critical needs. Greenfield's projects include improvements to the sanitary sewer collection system and bank stabilization of the sewer system.
Kenton will use $695,156 in ARP funds to develop an Asset Management Plan and address critical needs. Kenton will renovate their existing drinking water plant, purchase a trailer jetter for sewer line maintenance, and complete improvement projects in the wastewater lagoon's inlet structure.
LaGrange will use $300,000 in ARP funds to create an Asset Management Plan and address critical drinking water needs and modernize LaGrange’s water system. Projects include upgrades to clear wells, the installation of updated communication technology between the Town's high service pumps and storage tanks, and solution pump replacements.
Luttrell will leverage $1,885,725 in ARP and State Revolving Fund funding to develop an Asset Management Plan and address critical needs in the wastewater system. Luttrell will focus their funds on constructing a modern activated sludge secondary biological process in order to meet state wastewater permit requirements.
McKenzie will use $1,417,356 in ARP funds to develop an Asset Management Plan and address critical water loss needs. McKenzie will replace aged pump stations with new pumps and piping and install new zone meters that can monitor fluctuations to significantly reduce the system's water loss.
Puryear will use $1,073,217 in ARP funds to develop an Asset Management Plan and address excessive infiltration and inflow. Puryear will replace aged water meters and discharge equipment throughout the system, complete upgrades to the treatment plant, and replace 3,000 linear feet of piping in the collection system.
Waynesboro will use $859,583 in ARP funds to address critical drinking water needs. Projects include the construction of a new water storage tank and repair and replacement of old lines to combat water loss. The new water tank will help meet the water demands of various entities across the community and will act as a reservoir in times of water scarcity and water deficits by securing an adequate water storage system.
Other non-collaborative grants went to Cheatham, DeKalb, Hawkins, Monroe, Shelby, and Trousdale counties.
Two collaborative grants were also announced for Cannon County and Wilson County. The Cannon County grant of $3,872,667 will finance drinking water needs including the town of Woodbury. Wilson County was also awarded $4,579,698.
The non-competitive grant program will fund a total of 266 non-collaborative grants and 71 collaborative grants. The non-competitive grant program has been a success, funding over 1,000 individual drinking water, wastewater, and/or stormwater infrastructure projects.
“We commend the communities who have gone through the application process and acquired these grants,” Gov. Bill Lee said. “The grants are funding important water infrastructure across our state, and we look forward to the improvements this process will bring.”
Tennessee received $3.725 billion from the ARP, and the state’s Financial Stimulus Accountability Group dedicated $1.35 billion of those funds to TDEC to support water projects in communities throughout Tennessee.
“More than ever, infrastructure is critically important to our local communities,” said Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, R-Oak Ridge. “This money will allow cities and towns to address deficiencies and make improvements that will pay dividends not just in the present but in the years to come as well. I greatly appreciate the work of the governor and my colleagues on the Fiscal Accountability Group for their work in making sure these funds were spent apropriately and efficiently.”
Of the $1.35 billion, approximately $1 billion was designated for non-competitive formula-based grants offered to counties and eligible cities to address systems’ critical needs. The remaining funds will go to state-initiated projects and competitive grants.
“We continue experiencing considerable growth across the state, and many of our communities require additional resources to address their evolving needs,” said Speaker of the House Cameron Sexton, R-Crossville. “These grants will play a major role in ensuring cities and towns have access to infrastructure solutions that will enable them to continue thriving so Tennessee remains a preferred destination for both businesses and families.”
“We expect excellent results from these grants,” said TDEC Commissioner David Salyers. “Communities across our state are receiving the assistance they need to address water infrastructure challenges. We at TDEC are glad we could play a part in this process.”