New Tennessee Blue Book to be dedicated to first responders

The latest edition of the Tennessee Blue Book will honor the state’s first responders.
“I am pleased to dedicate the 2023-2024 Tennessee Blue Book to these public servants,” said Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett. “These heroic individuals put the well-being of their fellow citizens above their own to render lifesaving services and protect families. This dedication is a small way we can celebrate all those who have made a tremendous impact in communities across this state.”
“Tennessee’s first responders are some of the finest, most selfless individuals that we know in our communities,” said Lt. Gov. Randy McNally (R-Oak Ridge). “We are incredibly grateful to them and their families for their heroic service; dedicating the state’s new Blue Book is a small token of our appreciation to these everyday heroes.”
The Volunteer State is home to more than 50,000 law enforcement, firefighters, and emergency services professionals. All continue to impact the lives of every Tennessean.
“We owe an invaluable debt to all first responders who have sworn the oath to protect our state and the people of Tennessee,” said House Speaker Cameron Sexton (R-Crossville). “We’ll never be able to thank them or their families enough for the sacrifices they make to keep our communities safe.”
Published every two years by the Secretary of State’s office, the Tennessee Blue Book features detailed information about all three branches of state government, Tennessee history, biographies of elected and appointed officials, census data, election statistics, and more.
The 2023-2024 Blue Book will soon be available free of charge to all Tennessee residents. To request a copy of the state’s definitive manual about the Tennessee State Government, citizens can soon contact their representative in the General Assembly. They can also soon place an order with the Secretary of State’s Division of Publications online at