Dayton joines Tennessee RiverTowns Program

The city of Dayton has joined Lawrence County, Ala., and Calloway County, Ky., as new members of the Tennessee RiverTowns Program. The program is comprised of 22 enrolled communities along the Tennessee RiverLine. The Tennessee RiverTowns Program encourages collaboration and innovation among participating Tennessee River communities. The voluntary three-stage program empowers communities of all sizes to establish their local vision for the Tennessee RiverLine, an initiative of the UT Extension with principal partners, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and Tennessee Valley Authority, to connect paddling, hiking and biking experiences along the Tennessee River’s 652-mile reach. Enrolled communities take part in a multi-step process for gathering community input, hosting river animation and stewardship events, building local support and interest in the Tennessee RiverLine and developing conceptual ideas for riverfront infrastructure to provide better access to the river and create new and improved experiences both on and along the river.