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TML membership approves by-law revisions

full board
Members of the Tennessee Municipal League (TML) Board of Directors met June 9 in Nashville to discuss updates to the organization's by-laws, the yearly financial report, legislative concerns, and other matters.

Members of the Tennessee Municipal League (TML) approved by-law changes in a special called membership meeting held today in Nashville. The changes were proposed and approved by the TML Board of Directors and include some of the most significant changes in the League’s history, aimed at fostering a more engaged, dynamic and inclusive board that advocates on behalf of Tennessee’s municipalities.

“Today our members took a huge step in helping to modernize our League and to create more opportunities for municipal officials to get involved in TML,” said Franklin Mayor and TML President Dr. Ken Moore.

The by-law revisions include reducing the overall size of the board from its current 35 members to 23, as well as adding term limits to all board positions. Board members will be term limited to four consecutive years, with the exception of the mayors from the four largest cities and those directors who are selected for a TML officer position (president and three vice presidents).

District directors will continue to be elected from their grassroots regional caucuses, but more effort will be placed in bringing about greater awareness of this opportunity to serve.

In an effort to right size the board, all past presidents will be eliminated from the board with the exception of the immediate past president. However, to ensure that TML past presidents remain active in the League, we have created a Past President’s Council that will support the League’s mission in the areas of mentoring new officials, fundraising, testifying before state and federal legislative hearings, public speaking engagements, and to serve on key award selection committees. 

“Our past presidents will always be honored and recognized for their contribution to this organization,” said Anthony Haynes, TML executive director. “Through the creation of the Past President’s Council, we will continue to benefit from their passion, knowledge and advocacy.” 

The by-laws also include a diversity statement that ensures diversity of the board along the lines of race, gender, geographical and city population.

In addition to the by-law changes, the Board also approved the League’s budget for FY 2022-23. The TML Board and Staff continue to strive to increase efficiencies and reduce the size of the budget. The FY23 budget includes increases in the required TCRS contribution (35% increase) and state local government health care (5% anticipated), and a 16% decrease in revenues due the Public Entity Partners and Tennessee Municipal Bond Fund’s reduced contributions. The budget also includes a 2.5% Cost of Living Adjustment for all but two TML employees. Many cities, as well as the state have approved a 3.5 % or higher COLA, with inflation at 6.5 % and rising. 

The new by-law changes will take effect July 1. The final version of the new by-laws will be posted on our website to download and review.