The UT Municipal Technical Advisory Service: Serving Tennessee cities and towns for 75 years

In what would create a unique and effective partnership that would stand the test of time, Herb Bingham, executive director of the Tennessee Municipal League (TML), introduced legislation that created a progressive concept of an agency to provide technical advice and assistance to municipalities in Tennessee.
The Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS) was established by the Tennessee General Assembly in 1949 specifically to provide technical consulting services to cities and towns in Tennessee and continues to thrive 75 years later.
Once codified, MTAS was placed in the University of Tennessee’s Division of University Extension with an advisory council made up of professors in the subject areas of business management, sociology, law, engineering, political science and TML’s Bingham. Today, MTAS resides in the UT Institute for Public Service and is one of six agencies that serve Tennessee as part of the university’s land grant mission of public outreach.

The original legislation describes the MTAS purpose as follows:
“It shall be used for studies and research in municipal government, publications, educational conferences and attendance thereat and in furnishing technical consultative and field services to municipalities in problems related to fiscal administration, accounting, tax assessment and collection, law enforcement, improvements in public works, and in any and all matters relating to municipal government.”
Over the years, MTAS added to the original services offered (municipal management, public works, and finance) by establishing an extensive municipal information library, fee-based codification services, and an extensive training program for municipal officials and employees. In total, MTAS provides consulting services in the areas of finance and accounting, human resources, legal assistance, municipal management, ordinance codification, public safety (fire and police), public utilities, public works, and training.

“MTAS has existed 75 years because of a solid legislative foundation that set a purpose that is meaningful and useful to the 345 municipalities of this state,” said MTAS Executive Director Margaret Norris. “I appreciate the cities and towns for their support and continued use of our services.”
In fiscal year 2023, MTAS answered 37,563 requests for assistance and provided 18,139 training hours to nearly 6,000 participants.
Additionally, MTAS assisted Tennessee cities and towns to realize nearly $7,552,640 in economic impact through reducing costs and increasing revenues.
From a staff of five in the early days to a staff of over 50 individuals today, MTAS continues to grow and evolve to fulfill its mission through a diverse range of consultative services, educational programs, and information services aimed at equipping municipalities with the necessary tools and knowledge to improve the lives of those they serve.