Alcoa receives Municipal League award for Excellence in Fire Services

Through a dedication to service and safety, the city of Alcoa and the Alcoa Fire Department have worked to achieve two of the highest accreditations available to fire departments in the country.
In recognition of the committed efforts the city of Alcoa has made to improve how its fire department serves the community and reduce fire risk to citizens, the Tennessee Municipal League is pleased to present Alcoa with an award for Excellence in Fire Services.
The Alcoa Fire Department recently earned Public Protection Class 1 status from the Insurance Serve Office (ISO), a rating that has been earned by only three of the state’s 749 fire departments. To obtain this ranking, the city and department had to prove their capacity to prevent and combat structure fires in the community through response records, staffing levels, training protocols, community risk reduction efforts, water department resources, and 911 communications performance.
At the same time, the Alcoa Fire Department earned international re-accreditation from the Center For Public Safety Excellence (CPSE). This accreditation focuses on the department’s ability to gather and analyze data to aid in completing the agency’s self-assessment model, evaluates the community risk assessment, assesses the adequacy of the department’s standards of cover for identified risks, and contributes to the development of a departmental community-driven strategic plan.
Earning both an ISO rating of Class 1 and CPSE re-accreditation shows how the Alcoa Fire Department and the city have worked to meet the needs of a rapidly growing municipality while simultaneously working to address public safety and reduce risk.