Sharon Rollins Sharon Rollins Sharon Rollins has retired after 37 years of service to the University of Tennessee and the UT Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS). The supervisor for the technical and legal consultants at MTAS, Rollins also served as a public works consultant for cities in East Tennessee. She is the... Jeff Mills Jeff Mills Jeff Mills will retire as the director of the Cookeville Gas Department on March 31, 2022 after a 40-year career. Mills has served as the director of the department before the past eight years. During his tenure, Mills has overseen the city’s automated gas reader program as well as numerous line... Jonathan Stotler Jonathan Stotler Jonathan Stotler has been selected as the management information systems director for the city of Columbia. Stotler has been with the city for 11 years, starting with the Columbia Police Department before joining the city’s MIS Department. He holds a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and a... Wanda McClain Wanda McClain Wanda McClain has been selected as the new human resources director for the city of Columbia. McClain has more than 20 years of experience in human resources and comes to Columbia from the city of Spring Hill where she served as a human resources assistant. McClain has a master’s degree in... Mark Carter When the Collierville Fire Department launches its first ever ambulance transport service in July of 2022, Mark Carter will be at the helm as Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Chief. Carter began his Susan White Susan White, longtime purchasing director for the city of Jackson, retired Dec. 14, 2021 after 36 years of service to the city. White began her career with the city in 1986 as senior secretary for the senior recorder, becoming an administrative specialist in 1988. She was promoted into a purchasing... Brent Schultz Brent Schultz Brent Schultz has been selected as the new planning director for the town of Nolensville. Shultz has more than 30 years of experience in municipal government, starting his career at the public counter issuing building permits and working his way up to management and executive level positions in the... Jason Huisman Jason Huisman Jason Huisman has been appointed as the new city administrator for Germantown following the retirement of City Administrator Patrick Lawson on Dec. 17. Huisman has served as the city’s assistant administrator since 2017. Before coming to Germantown, Huisman was the village administrator of South... Keith McDonald A. Keith McDonald, mayor of Bartlett, received the Lifetime Achievement Award from Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris at the Shelby County Shining Star Awards Dinner on Dec. 11, 2021. McDonald was awarded for his long service to his community both during and before his tenure as an elected official... Phillip Farmer Phillip Farmer Phillip Farmer has been selected as the new mayor of LaFollette. Farmer was selected as the city’s acting mayor in November and officially sworn in on Dec. 7, 2021. Farmer previously served as the city’s vice mayor and was elected to the board in 2020. Stephanie Grimm Solomon was voted as vice... Jeremy Reeves Jeremy Reeves Jeremy Reeves has been selected as the new fire chief for the city of Munford. Reeves began working as a volunteer firefighter at the age of 19 and was hired as a full-time firefighter in 2008. He rose quickly through the ranks of the Munford Fire Department, becoming a lieutenant in 2010 and named... C. Thomas Robinson C. Thomas Robinson C. Thomas Robinson, executive Director of the Tullahoma Area Economic Development Corporation for the past nine years, has announced he will retire in early February of 2022. His retirement will bring to a close a career of 40 years in Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development organization... Pagination « First First page ‹ Previous Previous page … 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Next › Next page Last » Last page