Clarksville receives Safe Streets for All funds

The city of Clarksville has secured $8,052,318 the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) from the Safe Streets and Roads For All program. The funds will be used to improve Kraft Street, Riverside Drive, New Providence Boulevard, and Fort Campbell Boulevard with a combined total project cost of $10,065,398 with the city providing a 20% match.The safety improvements funded through the grant will directly address pedestrian and vehicle traffic in the targeted areas, generated in part, as USDOT noted, by the presence of Fort Campbell and Austin Peay State University. The city has experienced a high number of fatal and serious-injury crashes in these specific areas of the city, caused by high vehicle speeds and lack of safe pedestrian facilities. The project includes intersection improvements, sidewalk installation, traffic signalization, and pedestrian facilities. These counter-measures will increase pedestrian safety and create safer access points. The project area is entirely within an underserved community.